MY Journey Part 2

So I then went on and started using pregabalin, Which is prescription drug that can be used for anxiety and depression, which is why I used it. to help with my anxiety. The thing is pregabalin is very addictive and has awful withdrawal effects! in the end I was taking a full strip a day 15x300mg capsules every day, which is costly but that’s not the point. I then couldn’t get them and I had to come of them suddenly, with using this and diazepam and coming of both at the same time I ended up having a seizure and my partner rushed me to hospital. The withdrawal effects are horrendous. When I could get more I still kept using pregabalin and diazepam on and of for the next 5 years. I was selling weed and not making any money because i was smoking a ounce a week and spending money on pregabalin and diazepam. I then got introduced into cocaine via selling weed. I said I wouldn’t take it just sell it to make some money but of course because I am a addict that was not the case…


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